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‘Meals on Wheels’ Celebrates 2 Millionth Meal with Citrus Heights Festivities

Updated 2:40 p.m., Aug. 28 –

Citrus Heights Vice Mayor Sue Frost helped Sacramento’s Meals on Wheels deliver their 2 millionth meal to a Citrus Heights senior Thursday, followed by a celebration luncheon at the All Seasons Cafe in the Rusch Park Community Center.

By Vcntest (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
By Vcntest (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Calling the event a “major milestone” since forming in 2010, organizers hope the event helped raise awareness to its meal program, along with giving seniors helpful information about Medicare and Social Security.

Meals on Wheels by ACC was formed four years ago in response to County budget cuts, which included discontinuing its senior meal program. As a non-profit organization, Meals on Wheels by ACC replaced the County-run program and now serves about 2000 seniors each weekday, while working to expand its service to parts of Placer County as well.

The organization strives to provide nutritious, affordable meals through its 23 All Seasons Cafe locations across the county, where seniors can meet for lunch and participate in various activities the cafe’s offer. A home meal delivery option is also available for those who are unable to travel to a cafe, as long as certain qualifications are met.

Recognizing the financial difficulties seniors can face, the non-profit group does not require payment for meals in any of its cafes or home deliveries, but does suggest a $2 donation per meal, according to Pat Chilton, Site Coordinator for All Season’s Cafe at the park’s community center.

The event was attended by several local leaders, including Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan and Congressman Ami Bera. It also was supported by Sunrise Recreation and Park District, the City of Citrus Heights, and Area 4 Agency on Aging.


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