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Citrus Heights Water Use Drops 20%, While Statewide Use Rises

According to the Citrus Heights Water District, users cut overall water consumption by 20 percent so far this year and will not see any additional reduction requirements from the District — despite other water suppliers resorting to mandatory fines and penalties.

Photo by Matthew Bowden.
Photo by Matthew Bowden.

In an email response to water questions raised by residents, CHWD said its approach “has been and will continue to be education and working with customers to reduce water use,” and that it “has no intent of reviewing individual meter data to enforce a 20 percent reduction goal.”

In a July Water Update the District said it calculated its water use reduction percentage by comparing overall water use during the first six months of 2014 with the same time period in 2013, finding a total reduction of 20.6 percent.

Following statewide emergency water regulations implemented on July 29, a statement on the CHWD website said its existing Stage 3 Water Warning complies with the new regulations, and that residents will continue to be asked to cut water use by 20 percent. The “Stage 3” warning lists 11 conservation requirements and has been in effect for CHWD users since January 14, 2014.

A full list of “Stage 3” requirements can be found on the District’s website.

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