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Council Postpones Vote on New City Hall Deal, After Lawsuit Threat

In a crowded room Thursday night, Citrus Heights council members voted 3-2 in favor of postponing a final decision on the controversial proposal to move city hall and allow construction of a three-story medical building in its place — expressing the need for more research after an environmental attorney threatened a lawsuit.

Council members listen as an environmental attorney criticizes parts of the proposal and threatens a lawsuit, Thursday night.
Council members listen as environmental attorney Chris Butcher criticizes parts of the proposal and threatens a lawsuit, Thursday night.

During nearly two hours of public comment, those in favor of the project accused opponents of being too emotional rather than fact-based, while opponents expressed their desire for city hall to remain in the centralized civic center.

Members of the business community spoke out in favor of the deal being good for the city’s economy, while many residents emphasized their attachment to the current civic center as a “one-stop-shop” for city hall, the community center, police department and post office.

The council will take up the matter again at their August 14 meeting, where a final vote is expected.

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