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CPS Audit Report Due April 8

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly speaks during a rally held last June to audit Child Protective Services.

A California state audit report is due for release on April 8, nearly a year after Child Protective Services — accompanied by armed officers — seized 5-month-old Sammy Nikolayev from his Sacramento-area home.

Although CPS eventually returned the infant, a CPS audit was passed unanimously by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee after Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks) took up the Nikolayev’s cause and spear-headed an audit effort last June.

“This is a huge win for the many families who have been victimized by Child Protective Services throughout the years and it is a ray of hope showing that we can achieve system-wide reform and accountability soon,” said Donnelly, reacting to the passage of the audit by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee on June 5, 2013.

The audit request was directed to State Auditor Elaine Howle, who selected three of the state’s 58 counties for review. According to Donnelly’s office, the counties of Sacramento, Orange, and San Francisco were selected by the auditor’s office.

In a “scope and objectives” document posted on the auditor’s website, audit 2013-110 focused on reviewing and evaluating policies and procedures for seizing children–especially in conjunction with law enforcement. The report will also include a review of financial expenditures associated with CPS actions.

Donnelly, who is now running for governor, highlighted his involvement in the Nikolayev case in a video on his campaign YouTube channel.

“Together, we helped save Christmas for a loving mother and her beautiful son,” said Donnelly in a video released late last year. “While our rights are under threat, standing up still makes a real difference, as seen in the case of Anna and Sammy.”

The CPS audit will be posted on the state auditor’s website, which has listed an “estimated release date” of April 8.

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